Exploring the co-occurrence of students’ learning behaviours and reasoning processes in an intelligent tutoring system: An epistemic network analysis


Self-regulated learning (SRL) and medical reasoning skills are both crucial for diagnosing patients. Medical students can practice clinical reasoning with computer simulations. Students solved virtual patients of varying complexity in an intelligent tutoring system. We examined the co-occurrences of SRL behaviors and medical reasoning process. Epistemic network analysis was used to analyze the interplay of SRL and medical reasoning. High performers show more co-occurrences of reflection and higher-order reasoning. Task complexity has impact on students’ learning and reasoning co-occurrences. Intelligent tutoring systems should foster regulation and reasoning acquisition.

In the Journal of Comuputer-Assisted Learning

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Xiaoshan Huang
Xiaoshan Huang
Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Psychology - Learning Sciences

My research focuses on learners' cognitive and affective experience in technology-rich contexts. I am committed to using advanced technologies to benefit learners' social emotional interactions and aid collaborators' decision-making in problem-solving tasks.
